Recipe: Chocolate Almond Dip/Spread with Ginger, Cinnamon and Orange
1. Wash and peel ginger. Grate fine with a micro plane or box grater.
2. Wash and dry orange and zest.
3. Melt chocolate according to package directions.
4. Add melted chocolate to almond butter and stir to combine.
5. Add ginger, orange zest, vanilla, water, maple syrup and cinnamon to chocolate almond mixture. Stir gently.
6. Serve with sliced fruit or place in mini phyllo cups.
Note: Store in room temperature in a sealed container up to 48 hours.

Nutrition Facts (total recipe): K/Cal: 2728 ⁄ Carbohydrates: 258g ⁄ Protein: 71g/Fat: 179g
Nutrition Facts (per mini phyllo cup): K/Cal: 182 ⁄ Carbohydrates: 17g ⁄ Protein: 5g/Fat: 12g